Denim On Denim
(Sigh..) Denim on Denim...such a great pair. It's almost so cool that you feel like you're breaking the law of fashion, but yet there's no air about it. Just chill style.
I'm a sucker for a easy and subtle stated tuck...accidently on purpose
Something about the way he pulled off this wrinkled shirt just seemed so rad...(yes I just said "rad", how old is that word really?)
I'm working on getting suspenders for myself. Are you with me?
Soon I will rip the sleeves off of a great denim shirt...just need to build up the courage (because what if you need the sleeves?)
This look is pure genius! Simple lace just worked this denim attire.
Why yes...I am on the hunt for patched denim. Can you tell I'm lusting?
This will be a fall look for me, tweed and denim. STUNNER!
I regret donating my denim jacket last season...I could have easily cut the sleeves off and produced great style.
lookbook |
This look?? I have no words for how understatedly fabulous it is! Like I can't deal...
Did you get weak for any of the looks? I think you already know my answer.
I love the tuck too but my stomach gets in the way haha. I love demin on demin.
I love most of the looks. I don't have a denim jacket anymore either, I will look for one in the thrift store.
Lol @eatstylepray I know the feeling! We have to perfect our own art of doing it.
@ms K make sure you get your fix for the denim skirt too (-:
I decided to try wear dark and light denim together for the Fall. I hope it turns out well! LOL
That first look with the peplum jean top gave me heart palpatations!
lol @Jasmine Jade I know the feeling!
@grownandcurvywoman I'm excited to see the results
Lovely post! Love love love denim on denim!
@haute of the Press I know the feeling! lol Oooohhh what a feeling!
Swooning over these looks
Amazing post!
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