Feb 21, 2013

Tears To The Eyes FAB!!! Thursday - A Stated Brooch

eye lashes brooch

I could get very weak in the knees for the right brooch, especially a brooch that is vintage or has a vintage unique feel to it. Lately I've spotted brooches placed in unusual positions on the body as well as usual brooch types making me stop in my tracks and admire from afar. More so lusting for the double C brooches. However worn a statement will be made. Are you a fan?

stacked brooches
lion brooch
love brooch


grownandcurvywoman said...

Im a sucker for a great brooch. I have one on my blue winter coat!

Candace Belle said...

@growmandcurvywoman that's a brilliant idea! To place on your winter coat?? Hmmmm....making a mental note to do so