May 30, 2013

Tears To The Eyes FAB!!! Thursday - Ripped Denim

Ripped to perfection awaits your eyes as you see how gorgeous a purposely good tear on a denim can be. Some looks may be an eye opener for you to take the plunge and rip your unique jean that hasn't seen the light since last year. You know the one sitting way way way back in your closet. Go ahead. Go for the thrill of it. Go for your parents telling you not to destroy your clothes. Hey go for it to take out your frustrations. I'm sure that release will produce a magnificent work of denim art. 

Photo Source: Pinterest


Unknown said...

I love distressed denim

Carla said...

LOVE ripped jeans! I especially love the capris/cut off ripped jeans! I'll definitely be trying this.

Candace Belle said...

Writing this post I was actually talking to myself too! I've seen so many great inspirations I need to replicate. such a perfect and easy DIY to try.

Thanks for your comments ladies!! :-)