Oct 18, 2012

Tears To The Eyes FAB!!! Thursday - Furstastic!

Gosh can't you just scream for excitement for these wonderful fur looks??? I've lusted them for about a year now. Crazy how I've only caught on to this fab look last minute when it's been a classic staple for so long. I've been able to get a few vintage pieces which I'm anxiously waiting to pull out and wear! Talk about giving warmth!! With the vests, you don't even need a heavy coat to compensate. The vest does it all!!  I sure hope you are ready for the season with your fur! 

You can get great vests here, here, here, here, and a great scarf here.

Photos via Pinterest except look 8 which you can see in this post.


Ms K said...

These are fantastic.I have black fake fur scarf that I adore and I always feel royal wearing it. This blog makes me want to go shopping after work.

Catalina said...

Gorgeous inspo, Candace! I swear you find the best stuff!

alliejayne said...

I'm actually so glad it's winter so that I can get my (faux) fur out!



Candace Belle said...

Thank you for your great comments!

@Ms K I know the feeling all too well! lol its the itch that must be scratch

@alliejayne I'm excited for the winter too just to protect myself with them!! sigh

Unknown said...

I love the all gray outfit and the bluish fur!! I wish it would get cold enough for it in Atlanta, sigh...